Utanríkisráðherra vill vopnahlé í Libanon

By 28/07/2006 August 1st, 2006 Uncategorized

Við vorum þungorð í garð Valgerðar Sverrisdóttur utanríkisráðherra hér á Friðarvefnum fyrr í dag. Það var okkur því meiri ánægja þegar við fréttum af því um miðjan dag að hún hefði sent utanríkisráðherra Ísraels bréf þar sem hún lýsti yfir áhyggjum vegna ástandsins og þeirri skoðun að vopnahlé verði komið á tafarlaust og frekari eyðileggingu í Líbanon verði hætt. Við birtum bréfið hér eins og það er birt á vefsíðu ráðuneytisins á ensku:

    I am writing to you with considerable concern regarding the present situation in Lebanon. As you may know, Iceland has been a strong supporter of Israel since its foundation and played an active part in bringing Israel into the United Nations.

    Concern about the state of affairs in the Middle East is a given amongst most members of the UN, not least among Israel’s friends. I would like to make clear that, as one member of the international community, Iceland is strongly of the opinion that a ceasefire should be brought about immediately and that the devastation of Lebanon should stop forthwith.

    Allow me also to add my voice to those of many other members of the UN who have expressed deep shock at the attack on UN observers in Lebanon by Israeli forces.

    Iceland, as a longstanding friend of Israel, is aware of the complexity of the situation and the vital need of Israel to defend itself. However, the destruction inflicted on Lebanon, the humanitarian suffering imposed on hundreds of thousands of civilians and the escalation and widening of the conflict lead me to urge Israel to find means to halt the conflict immediately.